Monday, November 22, 2010

Cleaning Bathroom

Line the cupboard shelves with blotting paper. It will absorb the split lotions or creams and is easily renewed. lemon juice, turpentine or kerosene, in that order, are good for cleaning tiles. Polish off with a chamois for that extra sparkle. Soap shavings mixed with kerosene will shine up the bath nicely.

Place a magnetic strip just the inside the cupboard door and use it to hang tweezers, nail files and scissors. Protect bathroom scales from rusting by polishing them with floor wax or wiping over the metal parts with vaseline so that any water spilled over them simply runs off.

To reduce the possibility of mildew forming on shower curtains:
  • leave spread out to dry after use
  • soak in a solution of salt and water before hanging

    Does the shower curtain slap around you while you are in the shower? Screw a plastic coated curtain rod to the bottom of the shower box. Sew curtain tape on the bottom of the shower certain then clip plastic hooks from the tape on the curtain rod.

    Thursday, November 18, 2010

    5 Unique Tips For an Organized Bathroom

    Keeping a bathroom organized doesn't have to be a full time job - and it doesn't have to cost a great deal. There are some quick and easy ways to organize the bathroom space, and to use bathroom accessories that will transform the space painlessly.
    1. Unusual Bathroom Organizers: There are a few unusual, and helpful, bathroom organizers that can really make a difference in the space. It's often hard to organize the bulky, awkward items in the bathroom. A wall hairdryer holder is a fantastic item that keeps the hairdryer out of the way, and yet readily accessible. Another must-have bathroom organization tool is a toilet paper storage holder. These holders usually keep up to four of five extra rolls of toilet paper readily accessible. They ensure that you don't have rolls of toilet paper lying around on the bathroom floor or in the bathroom cabinet, and they make it easy to access what you need - when you need it.
    2. Dispensing Your Soap: One fantastic bathroom organizer for the shower space is a shampoo dispenser. This is a unit that attaches to the wall and contains large quantities of shampoo, liquid soap, and conditioner. They are often used at public gyms or swimming pools, but can just as easily be used in a private home. They enable the homeowner to easily access bathing necessities without having to find a place to put large bottles of shampoo, soap and more.
    3. Keep the Trash Manageable: While it might seem obvious to some, others would never have considered using trash bags in the bathroom. Certainly, you'll want to have a trash can that is large enough to store your bathroom trash. At the same time, one of the easiest ways to avoid unpleasant smells, and extra cleaning, in the bathroom is to always have the trash can lined with a trash bag. When you are ready to empty the trash, simply tie the trash bag up, pull it out of the can and insert a new bag. Keep extra trash bags in the bottom shelf of the bathroom cabinet, and ready for quick and easy use.
    4. Surplus Supplies: Many people stock up on deodorant, shampoo and other supplies when they do a large shopping. These items clog up the usable space in the bathroom and make it very difficult to keep the bathroom storage space organized. One important way to create better bathroom organization is to remove these items from the bathroom altogether, or at least to contain them. Purchase a large storage container and label it clearly to say "bathroom surplus" or another similar title. Then, place all of your extras in this container, and keep it with your other storage items. If you don't have storage space, then keep it in the bathroom, but place it directly under the sink and make sure that all surplus supplies continue to be placed together, in this designated container.
    5. Creativity with a Shoe Organizer: One creative idea to create a more organized bathroom is to hang a shoe organizer or jewelry organizer on the back of the bathroom door. These are large, plastic organizers that come with many pockets. This will create ample space to hold make-up, razors, toothbrushes and toothpaste, hair brushes, and any other bathroom items that need to be stored conveniently. If many people use the same bathroom, you can designate one row for each family member to create extra organization and to ensure that everyone has his or her own designated space.
    These are a few of the more creative tips to better bathroom organization. Certainly, there are hundreds of other great tips, and an amazing array of bathroom organization products on the market today to help you get your bathroom in shape! All that you need is a little creativity, some energy and the desire to become more organized.
    Romi loves sharing her tips for creating better home organization. As the mother of five rambunctious boys, she is always looking for more ways to keep the kitchen, bathroom and other areas of the home tidy and organized. Thanks to companies like Smedbo, Rev A Shelf, and other great brands, she finds excellent home organizers that make the job easier. Enjoy Romi's blog to learn more great tips for getting, and staying, organized.

    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Good Bathroom

    Home inside is bathroom. A good organized bathroom is a wonderful and real blessing.  The bathroom is nice if easy to achieve by keeping everything as handy as possible.

    It's good idea if you have:
    • A clean towel, they can be stacked in the bathroom cupboard.  You may need extra cabinet, shelves or hooks, but it will prove a more efficient storage option
    • It is easier to use makeup if having in a cupboard or on a shelf, somewhere between elbow and chin height and preferably next to a large mirror.
    • Installing a triangular shelf  in a corner
    • A shelf  above the bathroom door to hold spare towels
    • A shelf in the shower recess to hold shampoo, face and body sponges and nail brushes
    • A shelf above toilet or a set of shelves around the toilet to store spare toilet rolls, air freshners and other items
    • Set the cabinet into recess of the wall to make use of the extra space

    Keep cupboards and drawers in order by storing bits and pieces together in straight edged, containers. A plastic cutlery tray makes a handy organizer  for item such as makeup, scissors, and dental floss while hair brushes and accessories could be kept in an ice ream container.

    Sunday, September 26, 2010

    15 Minute Clean Up For Your Living Room, Even Granny Can Do It

    Why is it that when we least expect it, company seems to arrive, the phone rings and your mother-in-law is coming over or, your husbands boss decides that he wants a free dinner-at your house! You break into a heavy sweat and then to a gigantic panic attack; well never fear, there is always the 15 minute tidy to help you out. Just follow these simple steps and it will look like your home is spotless all of the time.
    15 Minute Tidy
    1. Take a wastebasket or a bag and walk around the room and put everything in here that doesn't belong in this room.
    2. Using a garbage bag, pick up all of the garbage, junk and newspapers and throw in the garbage.
    3. Pick up all of the dirty dishes, ashtrays, glassware and put them in the dishwasher or sink.
    4. Brush the crumbs off of the furniture
    5. Using a piece of paper toweling and furniture polish, wipe over all of the end tables and coffee table and arrange the contents on the top of the table.
    6. Neatly arrange the remote controls, magazines etc.
    7. Using a hand sweeper, sweep over the carpeting in all of the walkways.
    8. Spray air freshener, fabric freshener or odor out-for that fresh clean smell!
    Now, that wasn't too bad, was it? It only took you 15 minutes to clean it up, make it shine and smell good too. We seem to forget, that our homes are lived in and that creates clutter and upset, it doesn't mean that our homes are what you would call 'dirty'.
    Keep the major cleaning to once every two weeks or once a month, until then, a 15 minute tidy, once a day is all that you will need to keep your home looking good.
    Jan Hayner is a Professional Organizer, that offers tips and hints on home organizing and house cleaning shortcuts at her website Organizing and cleaning tips and hints Get her free pamphlets and checklists and ideas to help you have more time to enjoy life.
    Jan Hayner is a Professional Organizer and creator of, she offers tips, hints and shortcuts to everyday problems with organizing your home, work, family and life. Read her articles on Home Organizing and Household Cleaning Hints, tips and shortcuts. Home & Business Organization Consulting, Record Management, Time Management, Organizing Workflow, Record and File Management. Tips for men, women, seniors and kids

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    Vacuum Cleaners Can Help Keep Your Home Cleaner And Provide Relief For Allergy And Asthma Sufferers

    We're always looking for the best buy and lowest cost on anything we need to get. Although it's not good to pay to much, many times getting the cheapest product is no bargain. Our thought is that if we get a good quality product at the best price possible, it also tends to be a better vacuum that has the ability to better capture the dust and dirt. By controlling the dirt in the air, we limit the possibility of aggravating you or your families allergies. But you don't need to have allergies to need a good quality vacuum.
    The idea is that with a better vacuum cleaner, your home is cleaner and with less dust so there's less opportunity to cause breathing problems. But even if you or a member of your family don't suffer from allergies, isn't it good to know that your vacuum is collecting all the dust possible instead of just redepositing it back in the air to land somewhere else? (of course it is!)
    Vacuum cleaners have been around since the early 1900's. Although the technology has evolved from simple suction to the newer industrial look bagless cyclonic action uprights. The choices continue to rise as high technology computer based vacuum cleaners also continue to gain in popularity. These robotic wonders are taking the idea of easy cleaning to a new level. But no matter what type of vacuum is of interest, none of us want to pay to much for one. Value is getting the highest quality and the lowest possible cost.
    Still, it's important to remember that the basic function of vacuums are to remove dirt and debris from your carpets and floors. Dust is usually human skin cells or dirt that has entered your home through the windows and doors. There is simply no way to keep a house clean all the time if it has any openings like doors and windows to the outside. This means that we're in a never ending cycle of controlling the dirt in our homes. This is where the vacuum cleaner can really shine.
    There are many types and styles of cleaners from the old and trusted Hoover canister or upright vacuums to the latest technology bag and bagless wonders. If you're shopping for a new vacuum cleaner, it's important to shop for features and not just on price. The basis for your selection should be on the important features, the service life then the price of the unit that you really need.
    The service life is the usable lifetime of the vacuum cleaner itself. Higher quality units typically have better warranties and last longer. The warranty period is a good indication of the reliability and useful life expectancy. A company wouldn't offer a 3 or 5 year warranty if they didn't have a lot of confidence that the unit would stand up to that much use would they? But remember. it's only an indication of the quality of the machine based on average use. If you're like my neighbors family that includes 8 kids, you will no doubt be using your vacuum a lot more than the twenty somethings or empty nesters where they both work and no ones home during the day.
    If considering a major upgrade in the vacuum cleaner category you would definitely want to consider central vacuum cleaners. Now these are whole house centralized units and although they cost more, are some of the most convenient and versatile vacuums available today. The central vacuum system could be considered a floor dirt collecting monster that can also easily clean draperies, linens, ceiling fans and many other home furnishings.
    Still, if you're looking for a good portable quality unit, you really need to consider some of the more affordably priced units from many of the popular manufactuerers. These units have good service warranties and do have a definite place in the market.
    Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects which include family, health, and education. For More information on Vacuum Cleaners and Allergy or Asthma information visit the sites at and

    Wednesday, June 23, 2010

    Home Maintenance - Why is it Important?

    Home maintenance is very important as the home is one of the most important investments that people always make in life. It will be good for us to care for this great investment that we have made. Preventive maintenance is good for home owners. Than to stay like that, later you start spending your money and time for maintaining your home. So it will be better for you the home owner to employer a professional for maintenance, so that he or she will look at your your home from time to time. Preventive maintenance of your home will make you avoid repairs, reduce energy consumption, time wasted, and it will also extend the life span of your home.
    The regular inspection or monitoring of your home by a contractor or a real estate professional agent for home maintenance, with whom you have arrange with to be inspecting your roof from leakages, walls from cracks, etc. is a good, so that, any fault realized it will be repaired immediately. Than to allow your home without regular inspection, later on go for the buying of materials in large quantities, which will be so expensive for you the home owner.
    It is easy to carry out regular inspection and maintenance. Some components or equipments need more or less frequent inspection. If maintenance is done in any part of your home, it will be better that note should be taken where the repairs were done and when it was done. So that, proper care should be taken. Home owners should make sure they look for professional home maintenance inspectors, than to be doing the job themselves.
    For the general inspection of the outer parts of the home (Exterior).
    1) The roof should be inspected for damages and missing shingles. Electrical cables should be well insulated if they are passed on the roof. Tree branches should be cut from the roof. And the supports of television antennas and satellite dishes should be checked.
    2) Gutters and Downspout should be checked for blockage and leakage due to rust. Downspout seam should be checked.
    3) Walls should be inspected, if there are cracks and separating. And wall built with wood should be inspected for loose or damage boards.
    4) The foundations should be inspected if there are cracks on it.
    5) Doors and Windows should be checked, if they need any replacement of glasses or door lock.
    6) The chimney should be inspected for broken bricks or loose mortar joins. If it is a metal chimney it should be inspected for rust and missing rain cap.
    The electrical connections should be inspected always by an electrician, so, as to avoid current leakages. The main panel should be checked always if all the fuses are in place and if the correct ratings of the fuses are used. The earth cables should be inspected if there are grounded. And loose cables should be connected to their rightful terminals.
    A technician should be in place that will check the cooling/heating system of the house when the season comes from leakages. All other heating or cooling equipments in the house should be checked for damages or leakage.
    A plumber should always inspect the pipes for leakages. The drainage system of the house should be inspected to avoid blockages. Toilets should be checked properly.
    All this information about the maintenance of different faults that may occur in you home should be done by a competent technician, who is specialist in that field.
    Eric Mabo is an Atlanta foreclosures Expert. He helps people find discounted Atlanta homes.

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