Sunday, September 26, 2010

15 Minute Clean Up For Your Living Room, Even Granny Can Do It

Why is it that when we least expect it, company seems to arrive, the phone rings and your mother-in-law is coming over or, your husbands boss decides that he wants a free dinner-at your house! You break into a heavy sweat and then to a gigantic panic attack; well never fear, there is always the 15 minute tidy to help you out. Just follow these simple steps and it will look like your home is spotless all of the time.
15 Minute Tidy
  1. Take a wastebasket or a bag and walk around the room and put everything in here that doesn't belong in this room.
  2. Using a garbage bag, pick up all of the garbage, junk and newspapers and throw in the garbage.
  3. Pick up all of the dirty dishes, ashtrays, glassware and put them in the dishwasher or sink.
  4. Brush the crumbs off of the furniture
  5. Using a piece of paper toweling and furniture polish, wipe over all of the end tables and coffee table and arrange the contents on the top of the table.
  6. Neatly arrange the remote controls, magazines etc.
  7. Using a hand sweeper, sweep over the carpeting in all of the walkways.
  8. Spray air freshener, fabric freshener or odor out-for that fresh clean smell!
Now, that wasn't too bad, was it? It only took you 15 minutes to clean it up, make it shine and smell good too. We seem to forget, that our homes are lived in and that creates clutter and upset, it doesn't mean that our homes are what you would call 'dirty'.
Keep the major cleaning to once every two weeks or once a month, until then, a 15 minute tidy, once a day is all that you will need to keep your home looking good.
Jan Hayner is a Professional Organizer, that offers tips and hints on home organizing and house cleaning shortcuts at her website Organizing and cleaning tips and hints Get her free pamphlets and checklists and ideas to help you have more time to enjoy life.
Jan Hayner is a Professional Organizer and creator of, she offers tips, hints and shortcuts to everyday problems with organizing your home, work, family and life. Read her articles on Home Organizing and Household Cleaning Hints, tips and shortcuts. Home & Business Organization Consulting, Record Management, Time Management, Organizing Workflow, Record and File Management. Tips for men, women, seniors and kids

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vacuum Cleaners Can Help Keep Your Home Cleaner And Provide Relief For Allergy And Asthma Sufferers

We're always looking for the best buy and lowest cost on anything we need to get. Although it's not good to pay to much, many times getting the cheapest product is no bargain. Our thought is that if we get a good quality product at the best price possible, it also tends to be a better vacuum that has the ability to better capture the dust and dirt. By controlling the dirt in the air, we limit the possibility of aggravating you or your families allergies. But you don't need to have allergies to need a good quality vacuum.
The idea is that with a better vacuum cleaner, your home is cleaner and with less dust so there's less opportunity to cause breathing problems. But even if you or a member of your family don't suffer from allergies, isn't it good to know that your vacuum is collecting all the dust possible instead of just redepositing it back in the air to land somewhere else? (of course it is!)
Vacuum cleaners have been around since the early 1900's. Although the technology has evolved from simple suction to the newer industrial look bagless cyclonic action uprights. The choices continue to rise as high technology computer based vacuum cleaners also continue to gain in popularity. These robotic wonders are taking the idea of easy cleaning to a new level. But no matter what type of vacuum is of interest, none of us want to pay to much for one. Value is getting the highest quality and the lowest possible cost.
Still, it's important to remember that the basic function of vacuums are to remove dirt and debris from your carpets and floors. Dust is usually human skin cells or dirt that has entered your home through the windows and doors. There is simply no way to keep a house clean all the time if it has any openings like doors and windows to the outside. This means that we're in a never ending cycle of controlling the dirt in our homes. This is where the vacuum cleaner can really shine.
There are many types and styles of cleaners from the old and trusted Hoover canister or upright vacuums to the latest technology bag and bagless wonders. If you're shopping for a new vacuum cleaner, it's important to shop for features and not just on price. The basis for your selection should be on the important features, the service life then the price of the unit that you really need.
The service life is the usable lifetime of the vacuum cleaner itself. Higher quality units typically have better warranties and last longer. The warranty period is a good indication of the reliability and useful life expectancy. A company wouldn't offer a 3 or 5 year warranty if they didn't have a lot of confidence that the unit would stand up to that much use would they? But remember. it's only an indication of the quality of the machine based on average use. If you're like my neighbors family that includes 8 kids, you will no doubt be using your vacuum a lot more than the twenty somethings or empty nesters where they both work and no ones home during the day.
If considering a major upgrade in the vacuum cleaner category you would definitely want to consider central vacuum cleaners. Now these are whole house centralized units and although they cost more, are some of the most convenient and versatile vacuums available today. The central vacuum system could be considered a floor dirt collecting monster that can also easily clean draperies, linens, ceiling fans and many other home furnishings.
Still, if you're looking for a good portable quality unit, you really need to consider some of the more affordably priced units from many of the popular manufactuerers. These units have good service warranties and do have a definite place in the market.
Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects which include family, health, and education. For More information on Vacuum Cleaners and Allergy or Asthma information visit the sites at and

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